Invitation to publish

About the Journal

The Journal Genetics and Clinical Genomics is a multi-country, peer-reviewed journal with publications in both Spanish and English.  Its publications will be quarterly with its first issue in early 2023. It is  affiliated to the Latin American Network for Cooperation in Genomics and Clinical Genetics, of the Editorial Infomedic International.

The focus of the journal is to share experiences and knowledge in this field in Spanish-speaking countries with contributions from experts from other continents.

The projection of the journal is to become a reference center for the implementation of molecular diagnostics and personalized medicine.

The Journal is open and publishes original unpublished articles, review topics, clinical case reports, relevant short communications, letters to the editor, as well as related opinions expressed in editorials. Manuscripts will be accepted for publication only if they have not been previously published.

The journal has started with two publication options, free and open access.  The free option allows any author to submit their manuscript at no additional cost. The open access version uses the CCBY 4.0 license, which allows placement of your manuscript in HTML version and free redistribution of the manuscript.

The Journal assumes no responsibility for the consequences of the use of the information contained in its publications. They reflect the exclusive point of view of their authors.

Address of the journal: Consultorio Médicos Paitilla, #430, Panama Rep. Panama, P.O. Box 12639.


Current Issue

Published: 2024-08-31

Editorial Board

  • Editorial Team - Vol 2 Num 2 2024

    Journal Genetics and Clinical Genomics


Original research

Case report

Literature Review

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We are currently receiving manuscripts for publication in the first and second issue.   Please create an account in order to submit your work.