Editorial Team - Vol 2 Num 1 2024

[Equipo Editorial - Vol 2 Num 1 2024]

Journal Genetics and Clinical Genomics 1

Published: 2024-05-01



Year 2024, Volume 2, Issue 1
Published: April 30th, 2024


Editors and Reviewers

The following team of professionals from different health areas participated in the preparation of this issue.

Jorge D. Méndez-Ríos, MD, MS, PhD.
Physician and Molecular Geneticist – Canada

Dr. Lorena Salazar García, PhD.
Molecular Geneticist – Spain

Dra. Lina Johanna Moreno Giraldo, MD.
Pediatric Geneticist – Colombia

Dr. Indira Herrera
Pediatric Geneticist - Republic of Panama

Dr. Johan Serrano.
Internal Medicine - Republic of Panama

